molly grooms dogs

We proudly provide top quality dog grooming services at our private salon in Orange, CA! Your dog will have our full attention and all the TLC they need during our appointment. Our goal is to make the grooming experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible for your dog while achieving a custom, beautiful style to your specifications.

Get to know Molly


I have been a pet owner and animal lover all my life. I have always had both dogs and cats as well as some more exotic pets, and because it came naturally to me I became the main caretaker for our family pets from a very young age. I started taking care of other people’s pets very young as well. When I was in elementary school I started pet-sitting all of my neighbors' dogs and cats, it was a natural fit for me as the animals always loved me and I them. I continued pet-sitting into adulthood when I started working at a cage-free daycare and boarding facility. It was at that job that I got my first introduction into grooming basics as we would give the dogs baths before they went home. In 2012 I got a job in a grooming salon where I was trained to do haircuts and I fell in love with grooming. This career combines my love of caring for dogs, expressing my creativity and working independently. After years of working in grooming shops I learned about house-call grooming and it just made sense for me to make the leap and fully go out on my own! I love being able to provide the kind of service that I would want for my own pets, if I wasn't able to groom them myself. In 2020 I entered the next phase of my business as a full mobile salon. I am thrilled at how my business has grown and adapted to better serve my clients. I truly love what I do and am so thankful to have such amazing clients who have become like family. 

In order to provide the best service I possibly can, it is very important to me to always be improving! One of my favorite parts of grooming as a career is that there is always more to learn! I love going to trade shows, attending grooming seminars, and studying grooming videos in my spare time. Furthering my education is both rewarding for me and valuable to my clients, as this is how I can be sure I am continuing to give you and your pets the very best. 
