how often should I get my dog groomed?

There are many factors that go into answering this, but in general I recommend waiting no longer than 4-6 weeks between appointments. Nails should be trimmed and ears cleaned at least that frequently, although some dogs will need them done sooner. Depending on your dog's hair length and activity level, they may require more frequent appointments. Dogs that need extra socializing around grooming, puppies for example, should always be groomed more often to help with desensitization. When we schedule your dog's appointment I will make my best recommendation for your dogs future grooming schedule based on these factors! 

how far in advance should I book?

I am typically booked out 4-6 weeks in advance. It is a good idea to book at least that far out so you can get the day and time that works best for you. The majority of my clients are on recurring schedules which ensures they always have their preferred spot. If you know how frequently you want to have your dog groomed, this is the best way to schedule their appointments. Some people need a little more flexibility in their schedule, which is understandable. If a recurring appointment is more than you want to commit to, I still recommend booking your next appointment or two when I am there taking care of your dog. Adjustments can always be made as your appointment gets closer if needed, since sometimes things come up. Above all I want to ensure your dog gets their grooming done when they need it! 

Please note: Same-day appointments are only available in the event that someone reschedules at the last minute. I am happy to  add you to my wait-list if you would like to get in sooner than my next available opening, but since this does not happen often, it is always best to schedule in advance.